* Irene's Country Corner * - Escola Elza Campos




© Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.© Irene. Not for download.



Escola Elza Campos

© Irene. Not for download.

© Irene. Not for download.

 Turma do Jardim 2 - 1976

Se você é alguém que estudou comigo e encontrou esta página por acaso na Internet, envie um email para mim no endereço graphicsbyirene "AT" yahoo "DOT" com - substitua "AT" por "@" e "DOT" por "." ).


 © Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.

© Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.


© Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.

 From 1975 to 1985, I studied at Elza Campos School, in Rio de Janeiro. I will never forget the wonderful days I spent there. I met lots of people along all these years. Some became very close friends and we always keep in touch. When time allows we organize reunions once a year to gather everyone.

 I spent 10 wonderful years at Elza Campos School, and I finished High School (3 more years) at Impacto School, which was at that time one of the best schools in Rio de Janeiro. Then, I entered University (UFRJ and later UERJ, to study Music and later Literature), I met different people, made a few friends, but never forgot my dear school friends.


Adopted at Kelley's Home. Click on the certificate at the bottom of the page to adopt yours.

I had many teaches along all those years and I will never forget them. Teresa, Lenita, Gina, Cornélia, Carmen, Creuza, Marynês, Emília, Márcia, Rose, Rosana, Mariana, Maria Theresa, Beth, Graça, Arnaldo and Elce and of course, our dears Regina, Elza, Aymar, Maria Regina, Enyr and Raimunda.

© Shelley - Shelley's Graphics. Not on line anymore.



Adopted at Kay's Cozy Cottage. Click on the certificate at the bottom of the page to adopt yours.

© Irene. Not for download.

1st grade - 1978

© Irene. Not for download.

 4th grade - 1981


© Melly. Adopted at Sindee's Adopt Shoppe. Click on the certificate at the bottom of the page to adopt yours.

"... Se alguma coisa me consome e me envelhece é que a roda furiosa da
vida não me permite ter sempre ao meu lado, morando comigo, andando
comigo, falando comigo, vivendo comigo, todos os meus amigos, e,
principalmente os que só desconfiam ou talvez nunca vão saber
que são meus amigos !
A gente não faz amigos, reconhece-os."
- Vinícius de Moraes -


" Pode ser que um dia deixemos de nos falar.
Mas, enquanto houver amizade,
faremos as pazes de novo.
Pode ser que um dia o tempo passe.
Mas, se a amizade permanecer,
um do outro há de se lembrar.

Pode ser que um dia nos afastemos.
Mas, se formos amigos de verdade,
a amizade nos reaproximará.

Pode ser que um dia não mais nos vejamos
Mas, se ainda sobrar amizade,
recordaremos bons momentos
mesmo distante um do outro...

Pode ser que um dia tudo acabe.
Mas com a amizade
construiremos tudo novamente,
cada vez de forma diferente,
sendo único e inesquecível cada momento..."


© Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.




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 This page was created on: April 23, 2003.
Last updated on: July 5, 2008.

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~ Graphics by: Heartfelt Graphics ~ Shelley's Graphics
~ Graphics by Irene ~
www.heartfelt-graphics.com & www.sullivancountryhome.com/graphics are closed.

~ Background m
idi: "Aquarela", by the Brazilian composer Toquinho.
Please, note that Heartfel Graphics and Shelley's Graphics are not online anymore.





© Maryvel - Heartfel Graphics. Not on line anymore.

Please note that if a link does not work, it means that the site has moved or is not on line anymore.

 http://www.achsd.org/elem/5th/ks/kelley.htm - PAGE NOT ON LINE ANYMORE

 Click here to adopt School Girls at Sindee's Adopt Shoppe.

 Click here to adopt your Bear at Kay's Cozy Cottage.

Click here to adopt your Dinkie Doll at Kay's Cozy Cottage.

 Nothing in this site is Public Domain. Graphics are copyrighted by various artists and are used with permission.
Please, click on the links above to visit the websites were you can download the graphics from. Do NOT save anything from my pages, please.