* Irene's Country Corner * - Brasil - The National Flag


The Brazilian Flag

© Irene.  Not available for download.  Please, visit Graphics by Irene if you like this graphic.


The National Flag was created in 1889, by the Brazilian writer Raimundo Teixeira Mendes and Miguel Lemos, and designed by Décio Vilares.

Its green color stands for the country's lush fields and forests, the yellow color represents the country's wealth in gold, and the blue color stands for the sky. In the middle of the sphere which lies in the center of the flag there is a white strip with the motto: "Ordem e Progresso" (Order and Progress).

Originally, the stars in the interior of the blue sphere represented the sky of Rio de Janeiro at 20h30min, on November 15, 1889, date of the proclamation of republic, but in 1992, a law established that all the Brazilian States (26) and the Federal District, should be represented by the stars.

Its date is celebrated on November 19. Its anthem was composed by the Portuguese Francisco Braga (1852-1921) and the lyrics were written by the Brazilian renowned poet and journalist, Olavo Bilac (1865-1918).



"Salve lindo pendão da esperança !
Salve símbolo augusto da paz !
Tua nobre presença à lembrança
A grandeza da Pátria nos traz.

Recebe o afeto que se encerra
em nosso peito juvenil,
Querido símbolo da terra,
Da amada terra do Brasil !

Em teu seio formoso retratas
Este céu de puríssimo azul,
A verdura sem par destas matas,
E o esplendor do Cruzeiro do Sul.

Recebe o afeto que se encerra
Em nosso peito juvenil,
Querido símbolo da terra,
Da amada terra do Brasil !

Contemplando o teu vulto sagrado,
Compreendemos o nosso dever,
E o Brasil por seus filhos amados,
poderoso e feliz há de ser !

Recebe o afeto que se encerra
Em nosso peito juvenil,
Querido símbolo da terra,
Da amada terra do Brasil !

Sobre a imensa Nação Brasileira,
Nos momentos de festa ou de dor,
Paira sempre sagrada bandeira
Pavilhão da justiça e do amor !

Recebe o afeto que se encerra
Em nosso peito juvenil,
Querido símbolo da terra,
Da amada terra do Brasil !"

Lyrics: Olavo Bilac (1865-1918)
Music: Francisco Braga (1868-1945)
Presented for the first time on Nov, 9 1906


Below is the relation between the states and the stars on the flag.


Amazonas, represented by the star Alpha Canis Minoris (Procyon) from the constellation Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog.
Mato Grosso, represented by the star Alpha Canis Majoris (Sirius) from the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.
Amapá, represented by the star Beta Canis Majoris (Mirzam) from the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.
Rondônia, represented by the star Gamma Canis Majoris (Muliphen) from the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.


Roraima, represented by the star Delta Canis Majoris (Wezen) from the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.
Tocantins, represented by the star Epsilon Canis Majoris (Adhara) from the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.
Pará, represented by the star Alpha Virginis (Spica) from the constellation Virgo, The Virgin.
Piauí, represented by the star Alpha Scorpii (Antares) from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.


Maranhão, represented by the star Beta Scorpii (Graffias) from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Ceará, represented by the star Epsilon Scorpii from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Alagoas, represented by the star Theta Scorpii (Sargas) from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Sergipe, represented by the star Iota Scorpii from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.


Paraíba, represented by the star Kappa Scorpii from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Rio Grande do Norte, represented by the star Lambda Scorpii (Shaula) from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Pernambuco, represented by the star Mu Scorpii from the constellation Scorpius, The Scorpion.
Mato Grosso do Sul, represented by the star Alpha Hydrae (Alphard) from the constellation Hydra, The Water Serpent.


Acre, represented by the star Gamma Hydrae from the constellation Hydra, The Water Serpent.
São Paulo, represented by the star Alpha Crucis (Acrux) from the constellation Crux, The Southern Cross.
Rio de Janeiro, represented by the star Beta Crucis (Becrux) from the constellation Crux, The Southern Cross.
Bahia, represented by the star Gamma Crucis (Gacrux) from the constellation Crux, The Southern Cross.


Minas Gerais, represented by the star Delta Crucis from the constellation Crux, The Southern Cross.
Espírito Santo, represented by the star Epsilon Crucis from the constellation Crux, The Southern Cross.
Rio Grande do Sul, represented by the star Alpha Trianguli Australe from the constellation Triangulum Australe, Southern Tr.
Santa Catarina, represented by the star Beta Trianguli Australe from the constellation Triangulum Australe, Southern Tr.


Paraná, represented by the star Gamma Trianguli Australe from the constellation Triangulum Australe, Southern Tr.
Goiás, represented by the star Alpha Carinae (Canopus) from the constellation Carina, the Keel of Argo.
Distrito Federal, represented by the star Sigma Octantis - PolarisAustralis from the constellation Octans, The Octant.


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This page was created on: January 24, 2002.
Last updated on: March 5, 2003.

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© Irene. Not available for download. Please, visit Graphics by Irene if you like this graphic.

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